Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ning Sites

I am not new to Ning because last year I took a culture course which was not an online course but required us to utilize Ning to submit assignments and comments on classmates' work.  However, I stuck to our private class Ning page; never venturing out to search for other useful ones to join.  I did just that today and was amazed!  I found a bunch of sites that I look forward to using for professional ideas regarding foreign language teaching and learning (sites where you can practice Spanish , others where you can see how a Spanish teacher utilizes it in a real classroom situation, and sites where educators get together to converse about technology).  In a preliminary glance at these sites, I have found wonderful applications for the classroom and I am excited to have time to really investigate them in the future.  One example that I found to use in the future is the site Go Animate that I have been looking for in years past.  I always wanted to find a way to use the computer to allow students to make cartoons in the target language.  I am so excited!!!

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

These sound like great networking groups!