Friday, January 28, 2011

Cyber Safety Ideas

Safe Blogging
Students should consider the following items:
-never give out your personal information
-only post content that is age-appropriate, school appropriate and legal
-only access content that is age-appropriate, school appropriate and legal
-be careful what you post because even if it is “erased” it is not “completely gone forever from cyberspace” like you might assume
-posting pictures of yourself is dangerous
-do not agree to meet anyone with whom you chat online that you do not already know “face-to-face”
-keep all important personal information personal: do not post things like your telephone number, address, social security number, locker number, etc. and do not purchase anything online (let your parents be responsible for that if they so wish)
-in cyberspace, anyone has the freedom to post what they wish but they remain responsible for the outcome
-accessing sites that are widely recognized as reputable is the best way to go
-blogging can be fun and rewarding if it is used with caution and good judgment

Cyber Safety